import { ContextMenu } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <ContextMenu className="ContextMenu-class" />; };
Provide content to display when contextMenu is clicked
Provide a href prop as an alternative to onClick
Inline links are used within a sentence or paragraph and are styled with an underline. They should not be paired with an icon.
Provide a custom className
Provide a styles with bottom border
"hover" |"click"
Trigger action for the tooltip - can be "hover" or "click".
"top" |"top-start" |"top-end" |"right" |"right-start" |"right-end" |"bottom" |"bottom-start" |"bottom-end" |"left" |"left-start" |"left-end"
Position of the tooltip relative to the child element. Uses the Placement type from utils.
Provide the contents of your ContextMenu