import { FileUploader } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <FileUploader />; };
Determines if an icon should be displayed in the dropzone If true, an icon will be shown to represent file uploading
The title to be displayed in the dropzone area Useful for guiding users on the action to take, such as "Drag files here"
Specifies whether the file size should be displayed If true, the size of uploaded files will be shown to the user in kB
(event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void
Callback function to handle change events on the file input @param event The event triggered when the user selects a file
Provide a description for the icon used in the file uploader
"edit" |"complete" |"uploading"
Status of the file upload process, could be 'edit', 'complete', or 'uploading'. In the edit status you can removed uploaded files
(event: MouseEvent) => void
Callback function to handle click events on the file input @param event The event triggered when the user clicks the file input
Determines if the list of uploaded files should be hidden If true, the list won't be displayed, providing a cleaner UI, and giv you an opportunity to create oun list of files