import { BannerNavigation } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <BannerNavigation pageWidth="md" />; };
The CSS class name to be placed on the wrapping element.
"sm" |"md" |"lg" |"full"
Specify the max-width on desktop devices (same as Wrapper component)
import { Link } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <Link />; };
Provide the href for the link element
Provide the content for the link element
Adds an underline to the link element to better indicate that it is clickable in continuous text.
Disables the link element.
Indicates that the link has been visited.
"sm" |"md" |"lg"
Choose a size for the link element
Use a solid prop for link element on a solid background
string |number |boolean |ReactElement<any,string |JSXElementConstructor<any>> |Iterable<ReactNode> |... 4 more ... |FunctionComponent<...>
Use an icon with the link element