import { ToastNotification } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <ToastNotification />; };
Specify the timeout in milliseconds
Provide a description for "close" icon that can be read by screen readers
(e: any) => void
Provide a function that is called when menu is closed
Specify the close button should be disabled, or not
Pass in the action nodes that will be rendered within the Notification
Pass in the icon that will be rendered within the Notification or set icon to false to hide
"error" |"info" |"success" |"warning" |"warning-alt"
Specify what state the notification represents
Specify whether you are using the low contrast variant of the Notification.
By default, this value is "alert". You can also provide an alternate role if it makes sense from the accessibility-side
Provide a description for "status" icon that can be read by screen readers
Specify the sub-title
An optional prop that displays a close button and makes Callout to be dismissible
Specify the title
Provide toggleable functional, that Callout could show or hide content
This prop is a boolean that specifies whether the content within the Callout should be rendered as a code block. If true, it triggers the use of <pre><code> tags to format the content with monospaced font and preserved whitespace, ideal for displaying code.