import { Tooltip } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return ( <Tooltip content="Label text"> This is a helper text </Tooltip> ); };
React nodes that trigger the tooltip on interaction.
ReactNode |((options: { setVisibility: Dispatch<SetStateAction<boolean>>; visibilityChange: (state: boolean) => void; }) => ReactNode)
Content of the tooltip. Can be a React node or a function returning a React node. The function receives an object with functions to set visibility and handle visibility change.
If true, applies a dark theme to the tooltip.
If true, removes padding from the tooltip.
Position of the tooltip relative to the child element. Uses the Placement type from utils.
"hover" |"click"
Trigger action for the tooltip - can be "hover" or "click".
Popper.js modifiers for advanced tooltip positioning.
If true, renders the tooltip in a React portal.
If true, wraps the child element with a span to attach a ref for the tooltip.
If true, the tooltip is interactive (hoverable/clickable).
Delay in milliseconds before hiding the tooltip.
Additional custom class names for styling the tooltip.
If true, closes the tooltip when clicking outside of it.
Close the tooltip when the trigger element is hidden.
If the tooltip should be visible by default.
Delay in milliseconds before showing the tooltip.
If true, the tooltip follows the cursor.
Options for observing DOM changes through a MutationObserver.
Offset of the tooltip from the trigger element, specified as a tuple [x, y].
(state: boolean) => void
Callback function when the visibility state of the tooltip changes.