import { Accordion } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <Accordion />; };
The transition behavior for the accordion. It can take a TransitionProp type which specifies the type of transition.
number |{ enter?: number; exit?: number; }
Set the timeout duration for transitions. It uses the 'timeout' type from TransitionOptions to specify the duration in milliseconds.
string |number
import { AccordionItem } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <AccordionItem />; };
Either a React node or a function that returns a React node. This property defines the content of the accordion item's header.
Can be either a React node or a function that returns a React node. This property defines the main content of the accordion item.
"h1" |"h2" |"h3" |"h4" |"h5" |"h6"
Specifies the HTML tag to be used for the heading element of the accordion item. It can be any of the heading tags from 'h1' to 'h6'.
Properties to be passed to the heading element of the accordion item. It extends from ItemElementProps which includes standard HTML attributes and a ref.
Properties to be passed to the button element within the accordion item. It extends from ItemElementProps which includes standard HTML attributes and a ref.
Properties to be passed to the content container element of the accordion item. It extends from ItemElementProps which includes standard HTML attributes and a ref.
Properties to be passed to the panel element inside the content container of the accordion item. It extends from ItemElementProps which includes standard HTML attributes and a ref.
ClassNameProp<Readonly<{ status: TransitionStatus; isMounted: boolean; isEnter: boolean; isResolved: boolean; }>>