import { List } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <List />; };
If true, renders the List with a smaller font size and padding.
If true, colons will be displayed in the List items.
"ordered" |"details" |"tooltip" |"unstyled" |"simple-inline" |"simple" |"unordered" |"bullets"
Specifies the visual presentation style of the List.
import {} from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <ta />; };
"checkmark" |"cross"
Specify the kind of icon to use in the list item. Options are 'checkmark' or 'cross'. Also other unordered list style like circle, square or roman numerals for indented list and style preference This provides a visual cue about the nature or status of the list item.
Specify whether the list item should be a small variant. Useful for denser lists or when space is a constraint. @size
Content to be displayed as the title of the list item. This can be simple text or a React node for more complex content. @content
Icon to be displayed in the list item. This can be a React node or a string representing the name of a pictogram. @content