import { Tabs } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <Tabs onSelectionChange={function P() {}} />; };
Specify the text to be read by screen-readers when visiting the <Tabs> component
Pass in a collection of <Tab> children to be rendered depending on the currently selected tab
Provide a className that is applied to the root <nav> component for the <Tabs>
Provide a customTabContent by using independent action triggers inside the Tabs
Specify whether the animation should be used
Specify whether the Tabs are displayed inline
Specify whether the Tab content is hidden
By default, this value is "navigation". You can also provide an alternate role if it makes sense from the accessibility-side
() => void
Optionally provide an onClick handler that is invoked when a <Tab> is clicked
Optionally provide an onKeyDown handler that is invoked when keyed navigation is triggered
(index: any) => void
Provide an optional handler that is called whenever the selection changes. This method is called with the index of the tab that was selected
Provide a string that represents the href for the triggered <Tab>
Optionally provide an index for the currently selected <Tab>
Specify margin top fo the contend of tab, 0px by default
import { Tab } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return <Tab />; };
(index?: number,label?: ReactNode,evt?: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void
Optional callback for when a tab is clicked. Provides the index, label, and event details. @functionality
(index?: number) => void
Optional callback for when a tab gains focus. Provides the index of the focused tab. @functionality
Optional callback for when a keydown event occurs on a tab. Provides the index, label, and event details. @functionality
Href for the tab, useful when each tab is associated with a different URL. @navigation
Index of the tab within the Tabs component. @navigation
Content to be displayed as the label of the tab. Can be a string or React node. @content
ARIA role for the tab element, often set to 'tab'. @accessibility
Indicates whether the tab is currently selected. @state
TabIndex for the tab, useful for accessibility and keyboard navigation. @accessibility
(props?: object) => ReactNode
Optional custom renderer for the anchor element within the tab. @render
() => ReactNode
Optional custom renderer for the content of the tab. @render
ReactNode |((props?: object) => ReactNode)
Optional custom renderer for the list element of the tab. @render
Optional CSS class to apply to the tab. Allows for additional styling. @style
Indicates whether the tab is disabled. @state
Optional components to replace default elements of the Tab, such as the Tab itself. @customization