import { User } from "@wfp/react"; () => { return ( <User image="" name="Max Mustermann" showName /> ); };
The alt-text of the avatar
Sets the max-width of the user name to 130px and shows an ellipsis
Additional description under the Name will also increase the size of the Avatar use <List kind="simple" small /> as default content
Optional components to replace the default ones, the Icon component is used for the avatar
Extended Description column
"avatar" |"letter"
Selects the generated empty icon if no image is provided. Can be avatar or letter.
Url to an avatar image The size of the image is 25px * 25px. Provide at least 50px * 50px to support HiDPI displays.
Show the name next to the avatar
The CSS class name for the user.
Shows a smaller version of the user
The username which will be displayed. Usually Firstname Lastname.
Firstname Lastname