Use the browser warning to detect outdated browsers and advises users to upgrade to a new version.
There is a Modal version available and a smaller warning using the InfoBar component.
In cases the applications works with minor restrictions and you just want to inform the user you can show a <InfoBar />
() => { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); // should be default true in production, use localstorage to persist const isIE = () => { var ua = window.navigator.userAgent; //Check the userAgent property of the window.navigator object var msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); // IE 10 or older var trident = ua.indexOf("Trident/"); //IE 11 //Remove this line in production and use second line return true; //return msie > 0 || trident > 0; }; const toggleModal = () => { setOpen(!open); }; if (isIE()) return ( <> <Button onClick={toggleModal}> Manually open warning modal </Button> <Modal open={open} primaryButtonText="Continue with current browser" onRequestSubmit={() => submitAndClose()} modalHeading="Outdated browser" onRequestClose={toggleModal} danger > <p className="wfp--modal-content__text"> It looks like you are using Internet Explorer 11 or older as your favourite browser. We recommend that you switch to a more modern browser to ensure that you get the best experience out of this application.{" "} <Link href="#"> Learn more on </Link> </p> </Modal> </> ); return null; };
Use the InfoBar component to display a minor warning. Only display the warning if the user is still able to use the application with the current browser.
<InfoBar> Your browser version is outdated.{" "} <Link href="#">Please upgrade</Link> </InfoBar>;